Star Central Magazine's Fashionista of December 2012

Last November, I was entered into a competition to win Fashionista of the Month for an Australian publication called Star Central Magazine. It seems that a representative had seen my YouTube videos and thought I would be a great fit for the contest.

I was nominated for a chance at my first magazine feature and I couldn't believe it. I was up against four other YouTubers and I was so nervous! After weeks of bugging all of my friends and followers on all of my social networks I  was so close to winning!!

It was down to the wire and I thought I was going to lose my lead to the contest's "clear" winner but something "miraculous" happened. The contest site stopped allowing votes because the contest had ended already in Australian time! Here I was counting down the hours according to U.S. time when the contest had already come to a close and I had secured the WIN! I was so elated!! With God's favor and  over 1500 votes I had won the competition!!

The actual results page.

This feature has given me a renewed sense of confidence and purpose and I look forward to more features in the near future. I thank God for this wonderful opportunity and for all future opportunities like it.

Click this link to check out my feature!!


Colossians 3:14