Hey Ya’ll!
Today, I am sharing the things that my mother imparted to me when I was very young and some other style tips I learned through experience. These are a few of my tips for looking put together no matter what size you wear. This post, however, will be coming from a Plus Size woman’s point of view. ;)
Wear Clothes That Fit! Too often I see women wearing pieces that are not meant for their body types in the name of ‘body positivity’. There are contexts for body positivity. It’s doesn’t always mean the same thing no matter where you go. Body positivity looks very different at the beach than it does in the board room. Just use common sense with things. Oh, and MORE SKIN ≠ MORE SEXY! Sometimes a bit of skin relays way more ‘sexy’ than you think. Stop believing the lies that this one garment will look good on every body type! Body positivity is so much more than ‘I can wear whatever I want’. Here are some of my favorite looks as of late.
2. Showcase Your Best Assets! For me, this looks like styling outfits around the parts of my body that I am the most confident about. My legs and my face/décolletage area are my favorite things to showcase. Bonus tip: You also want to think about balance here. If you’re showing décolletage/cleavage try not to wear a mini skirt, and vice versa. I like to pick a body part to show (legs or cleavage), so that I create balance and an air of class.
3. Wear Supportive Undergarments! I used to hate shape wear before they were modernized. Nowadays, its not very hard to find comfortable shape wear. You can go heavy-duty or you can go light. Here are some of my picks below.
Heavy Shapewear:
Very tough fabric; meant to be worn with fitted dresses, tops and jumpsuits. Keeps everything in place for ultimate confidence
Light Shapewear:
Light shapewear that you can wear with anything for a smoother appearance
Supportive Underwear:
the lightest; you can wear these everyday
Supportive Bra:
A thick band and more fabric on the sides gives you the support you need. Be sure to get sized at a store and then you can buy your preferred bra online. This is my pick for the best supportive bra.
I hope that these tips helped you out! Let me know what your thoughts are! Do you agree or disagree with some of the points I made? Share your thoughts below! :)